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New Lawn & Garden Nutrient Approved for Use During Fertilizer Bans

Tara Solutions’ BanMax provides Nutrition with no Nitrogen or Phosphorus

(Tampa, Fl.-February 26, 2013) Tara Solutions, an eco-friendly fertilization company based in Tampa,Florida, has developed a lawn and garden nutrient that complies with the strict fertilizer ordinances in the Tampa and Sarasota Bay regions. BanMax is the newest product to become a Be Floridian partner and can be applied during the rainy season from June-September, to help sustain turfgrass through the harsh Florida summers. BanMax maximizes your lawn and garden’s potential, without generating harmful runoff that pollutes bays, streams and the Gulf of Mexico. (

Tara Solutions specializes in products that produce maximum plant health while being eco-friendly and BanMax is no exception. It is a perfect complement to Tara 14, a 14% nitrogen plant and turf nutrient. “We are extremely excited to provide BanMax to communities who need to nutrify their yards during strict fertilizer bans”, says Cesar Diaz, President of Tara Solutions, “ while Tara 14 provides an eco-friendly amount of nitrogen to lawns and gardens during non ban periods.”

For more information about Tara Solutions, go to To order BanMax or other Tara Products, call 813-400-3199 or contact us at

Tara Increases Brix Levels in Washington Apples

In July 2012, Fruta Bella of Washington State treated apples with an application of 3 gallons of King Calcium per acre, applied on the ground around the base of the trees, and a foliar application of 1 gallon of Tara 14. In August, they received a second foliar application of 1 gallon of Tara 14.

On August 8th, a field agronomist took samples of treated apples versus samples of non-treated apples, to test the brix levels of the fruit. Four random apples were examined from each group. The treated apples showed a considerable higher average brix level count than the non-treated apples, 10.25 to 8.63. These apples were analyzed approximately 45 days before harvest. Fruta Bella deems their apples ready for harvest at brix level 11. Even with the higher brix level, as of September 15th, the treated apples were still maturing at the correct rate and in line for harvest.

On September 11th, the GSL Lab, conducted a nutrition leaf analysis for Fruta Bella. Percentages or parts per millions were increased in several of the elements analyzed. Some of the increases were observed in the levels of Calcium, Iron, Nitrogen, Magnesium, Zinc, and Potassium.
One of the key elements of Tara’s products is the delivery system to the plant. Being able to penetrate the leaf of the plant via foliar applications is very important in accessing the phloem tissue of the tree. This enables us to deliver the elements, both macros and micros, in an extremely effective way.