Eco-Friendly Fertilization

Ornamental Applications

Note: These application rates are just sample guidelines. Each individual’s application rates will differ based on location, current equipment, current regiment and soil type. Please contact a Tara Solutions application specialist for more details on how we can create a custom plan for you!

Tara Solutions has achieved success with substantial improvement in plant health with organic residential fertilizer across all lawns and gardens. From healthier, lush lawns to vibrant flowers, Tara Solutions maximizes plant health making them less susceptible to insects and disease, all while being eco-friendly.These application rates are just sample guidelines. Each individual’s application rates will differ based on location, current regiment and soil type.

All Tara Solutions’ products are liquid concentrate and must be diluted. If you need help with calculating dilution rates please use our dilution chart. Click here >


Apply King Calcium at a 20:1 ratio (6.4 ounces to every gallon of water )-sprayed on the root of the trees (1 Time application).

28 days after the King Calcium application, apply Tara 14 at a 20:1 ratio (6.4 ounces to every gallon of water). This application is foliar sprayed once every 4 weeks on the leaves until they are drenched.


Apply Tara 14 at a 40:1 ratio (3.2 ounces to every gallon of water). This application is foliar sprayed once every 6-8 weeks on the plant until it is drenched.

Plants and Shrubs

Apply King Calcium at a 20:1 ratio (6.4 ounces to every gallon of water )-sprayed on the root of the plants (1 Time application).

28 days after the King Calcium application, apply Tara 14 at a 40:1 ratio (6.4 ounces to every gallon of water). This application is foliar sprayed once every 6-8 weeks on the leaves until they are drenched.


Apply Tara 14 at a 40:1 ratio (3.2 ounces to every gallon of water). This application is foliar sprayed once every 2 weeks on the plant until it is drenched.


Apply King Calcium at a 20:1 ratio (6.4 ounces to every gallon of water )-sprayed on the root of the plants (1 Time application).

28 days after the King Calcium application, apply Tara 14 at a 40:1 ratio (6.4 ounces to every gallon of water). This application is foliar sprayed once every 6-8 weeks on the leaves until they are drenched.


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