Eco-Friendly Fertilization

Agricultural Applications

Note: These application rates are just sample guidelines. Each individual’s application rates will differ based on location, current equipment, current regiment and soil type. Please contact a Tara Solutions application specialist for more details on how we can create a custom plan for you!

Tara Solutions has achieved success with substantial improvement in plant health with organic agricultural fertilizer across a wide variety of plant species. Corn growers in the midwest and sugar beet growers in Michigan have seen significant increases in BRIX levels utilizing Tara Solutions. Farmers growing strawberries, oranges and herbs have documented improved yields, healthier plants and more robust fruits and vegetables. For a sample of some of our results – Click here.

These application rates are just sample guidelines. Each individual’s application rates will differ based on location, current equipment, current regiment and soil type. Please contact a Tara Solutions application specialist for more details on how we can create a solution for you!

All Tara Solutions’ products are liquid concentrate and must be diluted. If you need help with calculating dilution rates please use our dilution chart – Click here >


Broadcast first green up

16 oz XtremeCarbon

3 gal King Calcium

1 Gallon Tara 14

Application after each cutting

16 oz. XtremeCarbon


Three(3) Gallons King Calcium per acre sprayed on the root of the trees (1 Time application). Can be mixed with any nitrogen used (28%/32%) including Tara 14 or broadcast spray it just ahead of any nitrogen application.

One (1) Gallon Tara 14 mixed with a 15-25 gallon tank mix. This application is foliar sprayed once every 4 weeks on the leaves until they are drenched.


Tara Solution’s corn application starts with applying in the row, on the seed, one gallon of Tara’s Humic Acid and 32 ounces of PGS with any needed NPK. Humic Acid is a nutrient rich germinator formulated to provide an excellent source of nutrition for the early stages of plant development. PGS is a natural, essential growth-hormone based product that provide tremendous plant fertility.

Apply 3 gallons of King Calcium with any needed nitrogen. Tara’s King Calcium is a vital component needed for cell wall strength and overall plant development. Our King Calcium also holds nitrogen and loosens up any minerals that are tied up in the soil and not available to the plant.

The application is finished by foliar feeding 16 ounces of XtremeCARBON at white silk. XtremeCARBON is a fantastic product having an unrivaled performance, boosting fertility and having the ability to raise chemical efficiency when applied with chemical products. This surfactant product has a special molecular delivery system. It is pure energy to the plant holding 5 million calories per gallon.

  • We recommend 38 gallons of 28% Nitrogen per acre
  • Apply 3 gallons of King Calcium an acre with nitrogen application

Starter in row/on seed

1-2 gal Tara Humic Acid

16 oz Tara Plant Growth Stimulant

Broadcast Pre-emergence

3 gal King Calcium

Needed Nitrogen

Foliar with herbicide application/acre

Apply 6” to 12”

16 oz. XtremeCarbon

2nd Application: Apply at White Silk

16 oz. XtremeCarbon


Application in row/on seed

2 gal Tara Humic Acid

8 oz. Tara Plant Growth Stimulant

Broadcast pre emergence with any needed Nitrogen

3 gal King Calcium

Foliar application throughout season

1/2-1 Gallon Tara 14


Broadcast first green up/throughout growing season

3 gal King Calcium/any needed Nitrogen

1 Gallon Tara 14

Peanuts/Dry Edible Beans

Application in row/on seed

2 gal Tara Humic Acid, plus any needed NPK starter

8oz Tara Plant Growth Stimulant

Broadcast pre emergence

4 gal King Calcium

Foliar Application early with herbicide, etc

1/2-1 Gallon Tara 14

Foliar throughout season

1/2-1 Gallon Tara 14


In fall:

2 gallons of Humic Acid on ground

1 gallon of Deep Blue on ground

Separate application:

3 to 5 gallons of King Calcium on Ground

*Remember that Humic Acid and King Calcium do not like each other and they must go on at separate times.

Before bloom or blossom :

32 ounces of of XtremeCARBON foliar spray

After bloom:

.5 gallon of Tara-14 foliar spray every two weeks.

Most Pecan growers have cut back on their pesticide use to a minimal amount and they have also cut back on their regular NPK applications.  This will be up to the individual  farmer.  One Pecan customer is in his third year of using our products.


Seed Wash

Dilute Tara Plant Wash 2 oz per gallon of water and dip seed prior to planting

Application over hill pre-emergence

6 gal King Calcium Component

Foliar Application shortly after emergence and every 3 to 4 weeks

1 Gallon Tara 14



3 gal Liquid Calcium

Any Needed Nitrogen (based on current program)

Foliar Apply/acre

1/2-1 Gallon Tara 14

Should help control fungus and bugs.

For best results foliar feed every 3-4 weeks during growing season.


Starter in row/on seed

16 oz Tara Plant Growth Stimulant

1-2 Gallons Tara Humic Acid

Foliar with herbicide application/acre

(First application) Apply right before flowering

16 oz. XtremeCarbon

(Second application) Apply August

16 oz. XtremeCarbon

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